TD Sculpture

TD replica!

MG lovers didn't like this model at first, but later it became the most popular of the MG series. It stole the heart of many MG enthusiasts. The diorama shows two passengers who have lost their way. Unfolding a road map in such a car is not easy. Fortunately there is a street lamp nearby. The dustbins will be emptied the next day; in one of them is an old shoe. If you look over the shoulder of the MG driver you will see that he is studying the map of the Netherlands. His finger points at their destination, Buurse, a small village near the German border. That is the place where this diorama was made.

limited quantity of 450 worldwide
hxwxl 140x170x225 mm
99% pewter
NLG 675
signed and numbered
weight 1.2 kg
beech wood
US$ 373 ($=1.81 NLG)

The supplier is Henk Kolk Metal Sculpture

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Made in England