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BMITP - Car Show

Fun On Wheels - June 12 2005

We'll meet at the Tim Horton's on Walker Road just south of North Talbot Road in Windsor at about 9:00 AM. From there we'll caravan to Heritage Village for the show. This show is mainly Hot Rods and Muscle cars, but there are usually a few British cars there besides our group. This is quite a large event, usually around 500+ vehicles. There is a flea market area, mostly North American parts and cars, but with many universal items as well.

Later in mid afternoon for those who are interested, we will caravan back to Essex to a British type pub named Quigbee's. Quigbee's has a nice patio, and a great menu to match.

To get to the Tim Horton's starting point from the Ambassador Bridge: follow Huron Church Road to Hwy. 3. Follow Hwy. 3 until Walker Rd. and turn left on Walker, heading north. The Tim Horton's is about 1/2 mile up on the right, 3998 Walker Rd. The drive back to the bridge from Quigbee's is a simple 25 minute trip.






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