MG Enthusiasts


MG Enthusiasts on the Web
Registering at this site gives you on-line membership facilities, such as posting on a customisable MG BBS, access to the BBS archives, placing classified adverts, recording ownership details, a classifieds by email service and sending emails to other registered MG Enthusiasts.

If you have not already registered at this site, please do so now. Being a member of the MG Owners' Club, MG Car Club, or any other club does not mean that you are registered at this site. Registration is free. If you are concerned about registering please don't be. We will never share your personal data. This is a club, dedicated to the MG marque and we will not permit our members to be contacted by third party organisations. As of January 2020 we have over 80,000 members.

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If you have already registered, but have not bookmarked the membership menu, then please enter your user name and password for access to the system. Please note that our log-in procedure is case-sensitive, so you will need to enter your user name and password exactly as they were registered. Forgotten your username and password?


Disclaimer: This information service is not in anyway connected with or authorised by the MG Rover Group Limited.

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