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Production Facts & Feature Time-lines

These pages contain production numbers, dates and the time-line for various changes to the MGTD during its production run.

The MGTD Models

There were three models of MGTD during production but only two are really discernible. Those were the TD, TD2, and the TD Mark II. The TD2 was just an evolution of the TD while the TD Mark II actually added additional features, a unique identification, and simultaneous production with both TD and TD2 cars.

Production Facts

Total production for the MGTD was 29,664 of which at least 1710 were TD Mark II's.

  1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 Total, all years
Home market 2 149 385 246 874 1656
Export, RHD 96 1268 940 371 280 2955
Export, LHD 0 142 292 285 237 956
Export, NA 0 2810 5756 9901 5021 23488
Chassis only, RHD 0 4 0 2 3 9
Chassis only, LHD 0 6 48 13¹ 90¹ 157
CKD² Cars, RHD 0 338 30 20 5 393
All specifications 98 4717 7451 10838 6510 29,614

Used with permission from Original MG T Series by Anders Clausager. Published by MBI Publishing Company 1-800-826-6600.

¹ It would appear that of the 103 LHD chassis exported during 1952 and 1953, all but three of these were Arnolt MG's that were sold in the US. Total production for Arnolt MG's was 102 cars, two of these were the prototypes that were created in Italy with used chassis from production cars.

²CKD - "completely knocked down". A term used to describe cars that were exported in kit form to be assembled "in country". This was sometimes used to claim that the cars were manufactured locally to get by import tax situations. Cars were finished in primer only.

Car or Chassis Number Codes

The following table illustrates the car number coding scheme for the MGTD. These were documented on a stamped metal plate on the cars left hand firewall. In addition each car received a unique number starting with 0251 and ending in 29915. This number should be verified by the number stamped in large letters on the front left dumbiron (where the bumper attaches) just below where the fender bolts are.

Code Description
TD³ All MGTDs except for the competition or Mark II models
TD/C³ Mark II or Competition models.
EXU Export, North America (to March 1950)
EXR Export - Right Hand Drive - MPH Speedo
EXRK Export - Right Hand Drive - Kilo Speedo
EXL Export - Left Hand Drive - MPH Speedo
EXLK Export - Left Hand Drive - Kilo Speedo
EXLM Export - Left Hand Drive - MPH Speedo
EXLU Export - Left Hand Drive North America - March 1950 to August 1951
EXRU Export - Right Hand Drive North America - March 1950 to August 1951
EXLNA and EXL/NA4 Export - Left Hand Drive, North America
EXRNA4 Export - Right Hand Drive, North America (most often intended for racing?)
EXLM/FL Finland?
EXL/FL Finland?

³ The TD always preceded the code. For example, a later North American, exported, left hand drive regular MGTD would be coded: TD EXL/NA.

4 From May of 1951 on a few cars and August 1951 on all others

Additional code information supplied by Tom Lange.

Engine Number Codes

All MGTD engines were marked as XPAG. The following table illustrates the additonal engine number coding scheme for the MGTD XPAG engines. There was no absolute correlation from the chassis or car number but the engine number was generally about 300 - 350 or more larger. The engine number was stamped on the metal chassis plate, on its own octagonal plate on the right bottom front side of the engine and just above this plate, on the block itself. Early TDs had their plates on the left side of the bell-housing (a carry-over from all TCs), and only some later TDs have the engine number stamped on the plinth; many do not.

Code Description
TD Engines prior to engine 14xxx with 7" clutches
TD2 Engines after engine 14xxx with 8" clutches
TD3 TD/C or Mark II engines after engine 17xxx

The first TD2 engine was fitted to TD9903, but for the following three months cars came with either TD or TD2 engines, as supplies of the earlier engine were used up. With only one exception, the last TD engine was used in car TD12149.

There is an excellent write up about T-series engine indentification on this page from the MG Car Club.

Production Dates

Production date timelines from M.G. Talk, the South-Eastern T-Register’s Newsletter. First number is day of month, second is the first or last serial number car for that date. This should help you in determining the actual age of your car. You might also want to get a copy of the factory log book for the date of your car from the source mentioned here. There is an online tool available from the T Register T Type Factory Production Records.

1949 1950 1951 1952 1953
Jan   2 0349
31 0612
1 5170
31 5799
1 12578
31 13374
1 23645
30 24631
Feb   1 0613
28 0838
1 5800
28 6391
1 13375
28 14064
2 24632
27 25623
Mar   1 0839
31 1173
1 6392
30 6948
3 14085
31 14797
2 25624
31 26487
Apr   3 1174
28 1469
3 6949
27 7467
1 14798
30 15561
1 26488
30 27285
May   1 1470
31 1846
1 7468
31 8041
1 15562
30 16746
1 27286
29 28127
Jun   1 1847
30 2320
1 8042
29 9701
4 16747
30 17646
3 28128
30 28964
Jul   3 2321
28 2822
2 8702
26 9362
1 17647
25 18606
1 28965
24 29723
Aug   14 2823
31 3058
13 9363
31 9928
11 18607
29 19345
10 29724
17 29915
Sep   1 3059
29 3592
3 9929
28 10655
1 19346
30 20433
Oct   2 3593
31 4123
1 10656
30 11322
1 20434
31 21587
Nov 10 0251
25 0273
1 4124
30 4724
1 11323
30 12100
3 21588
28 22612
Dec 5 0274
20 0348
1 4725
22 5169
3 12101
20 12577
1 22613
31 23644

Feature Time-lines

Over the product run of the MGTD various changes, while mostly minor, where made. The following table attempts to chronologize some of the notable externally visible changes by date and/or chassis number when known. (e) stands for engine number.

Note: The production feature time-line presented here is derived mostly from manuals, brochures and a few factory records by Anders Clausager. The dates should not be considered absolute. In fact many cars have been shown to exhibit an earlier trait far beyond the date shown as having a new feature. It is believed that these dates comprise the first time a new feature appeared on the MGTD, rather than the last time the former feature could be found. At times a decision seemed to be made to change a feature in one marketplace while still producing the former feature for other marketplaces. Note also that the MGTC was still in production when the first MGTDs appeared. Also note that during the production of the MGTD that other cars were still produced on the line at the same time. It may have been that cars produced during those periods would use similar parts while during the times that only MGTDs were produced, a different, but similar part would be used .

Note: MGTDs were one of the last cars manufactured by Nuffield prior to the change over when incorporated with BMC. Up to that point few records on individual cars were kept and the production information is not as complete as on even the MGTF and later models. The information quoted in the Feature Timeline section is the best there is available but cannot be considered absolute. There may have been exceptions to this data. See the Noted Exceptions to Production Data pages for more information or to report a discrepancy.

¹ A few comments from Tom Lange on solid wheels

There is always discussion about when TDs changed from solid to ventilated wheels - the factory parts book says at chassis 501 (January 1950), which has been sometimes mis-interpreted to mean the first 500 cars. (Since the TD began with chassis 251, the first 250 cars - at least - will probably originally have had solid wheels.) Later LHD cars with solid wheels do sporadically show up; I have seen solid-wheel LHD cars as high as 999. So I think it is safe to say that the first 250 TD all had solid wheels, and a few others came later, without any pattern. Solid wheels are not quite as rare as people think, since the YB came with identical 15" solid wheels (the Y, or YA as it is often known today, had 16" wheels). But would one retro-fit solid wheels to a later ventilated-wheel car?

The REAL real presence of late solid wheel TDs is clearly with EXR cars. The two highest-numbered TDs I have found with solid wheels are both EXR cars, presumably original and authentic - 2053 and 2154, with many other solid-wheeled EXR cars in the 1000-1850 range (based on photos in the Australian MG TD Register of Victoria. It seems clear that it was factory-intentional to supply EXR cars, generally exported to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, with solid wheels much later than UK or US cars - why, I do not know, nor when these wheels changed to ventilated.

4 Earlier engines were not specially marked; later engines were marked TD3.

Much of the above was used with permission from Original MG T Series by Anders Clausager. Published by MBI Publishing Company 1-800-826-6600.

TD Mark II Features

Almost immediately when the MGTD appeared on the market there existed a strong aftermarket of parts and accessories to increase the performance and sportability of the model. The Mark II MGTD, in later years called the TDC, was an attempt by the factory to satisfy the demand for more high performance models.

Used with permission from Original MG T Series by Anders Clausager. Published by MBI Publishing Company 1-800-826-6600.

Parts List of Mark II Features

Almost all of the Mark II items were available separately during the production of the TD,and are listed in the Service Parts book.

²The hood and bumper emblems were the same. The bumper emblem was mounted on a special plinth.

An image of some of the Mark II parts from the service and parts manual can be viewed here.

Note: Almost all of the Mark II items were available separately during the production of the TD.

A few comments on the Mark II by Thomas Lange

All Mark II's had the bonnet bulge because early cars used a 1-1/4" TD air intake and oil bath filter, with the 1-1/2" carb flange mounting holes filed inward into slots to accomodate the narrow bolt pattern of the smaller air intake (early photos sometimes show these slots). Later cars used the unique enlarged air intake with hole spacing to fit the 1-1/2" carbs, so filing was not necessary (from 22613?). These later cars also used the larger oil-bath filter. The bonnet bulge was necessary for both air intakes.

There is no evidence to suggest that Mark II's came from the factory with Vokes filters as found on TF's, chrome (aftermarket) pancake filters (as usually seen today on cars being driven), or with no filters at all (as often shown without comment in contemporary road test photos, presumably to improve breathing).

Factory Accessories

While the MG factory had very few accessories for the MGTD, there was no shortage from aftermarket companies. The following is a list of the factory accessories during the production run of the MGTD.

Note: Wire wheels were never offered by the factory during the production the the MGTD. They were available later as a service kit, part number ACG 5163 (5162?). These were essentially the parts used by the TF's that would also fit the TD's. There is also a slight difference in the '54 wire wheels from the '55 wire wheels. The '54 wire wheels inner hub was more pointed in shape, similar to the shape of the original dash finish washers, while the later wire wheels found on the '55 model TF had a more rounded hub common on MGA's and later cars.

Carl Cedarstrand of the Vintage MG Club of Southern California wrote an article about wire wheels on a TD for the June, 1979 issue of The Sacred Octagon. Carl discovered a factory part number for the TD spare wheel carrier - ACG 5162. The part number was confirmed by Mr. Pete Neal at the MG drafting office. Mr. Neal also advised that the part number was taken out on November 4, 1953 which Carl points out was almost 2 months after TD production ended. Carl goes on to say that is very unlikely that a wire wheel TD was ever produced by the factory, but that a TD could be retrofitted using all factory parts. A proof of this was an advertisement in March of 1954 for the TD Wire Wheel Conversion kit from Gough Industries, the MG Importer in Los Angeles. The kits used all factory authorized parts admittingly from the production of the MGTF.

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