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The Original MG TD Midget

The Racing Scene

A look at the racing scene during the production of the MGTD/TF.

Pictures from a racing MGTD in Venezuela, from 1952

My late father, Eduardo Muñoz Sanchez-Monge used to race an MGTD in Venezuela, in the early 1950's. He was Subchampion in the 1500 cc. category in 1953. He raced against other MGTD, Singers and Porsche speedster 1500. I do not have much information on the car, other that it was a special order from the factory, it had a high compression engine and beefed suspension, according to a friend of my father, Francisco Mastropaolo, who had a similar car.

1953 was the first year that a regular car racing championship was organized in Venezuela. There were several categories, and my father raced in the 1500 cc sports car categories. The rivals were Singers, other MG TD's and Porsche 1500 cc. Speedsters. The racing was done in street circuits that were closed to traffic and in open roads, also closed to traffic. There were no road circuits on that time in Venezuela. I am attaching photos from two races: A - Los Proceres circuit, near Fuerte Tiuna Military base, in Caracas, in 12-Apr-53. This circuit was used later with several modifications in three Grand Prix of Venezuela races for Sport Cars were held in 1955, 1956 and 1957 (but that is another story). In that race my father arrived second to a Porsche 1500 cc. (Photos 1,2,3,4,5,6) B- Tanaguarena street circuit in the Vargas State, near the La Guaira Seaport, in 08-Nov-1953. This area suffered extensive damage in the mud slides of December 1999. (Photo 7)

La Vuelta de Aragua Road Circuit: More pictures from the MG TD that my father raced in 1953. These are from the road race held in the Aragua State in Venezuela in 14 June, 1953, the race was called the "Vuelta de Aragua" (Race Around Aragua), it was three loops of an 80 Km road race. In this race my father arrived 10 in the general position and third in the 1500 cc class, behind two Porsche 1500.

For the record, here is the general qualification of that race:

  1. Atilio Cagnasso, Hudson Hornet , 1hr, 59 min, 13 sec, average of 120.78 km/hr.
  2. Leopoldo Garmendia, Hudson Hornet, 1hr, 59 min, 49 sec.
  3. Fernando Segovia, Chevrolet, 2hr, 00 min, 59 sec.
  4. Julio Pola, Hudson Sport, 2hr, 01 min, 53 sec.
  5. Abelardo Diaz Gonzalez, Hudson Hornet, 2hr, 03min, 07 sec
  6. Landino Moran, Ford, 2hr, 03 min, 11 sec
  7. Rezende Dos Santos, Porsche 1500, 2hr, 06 min, 14 sec.
  8. Pedro J. Puertas, Ford, 2hr, 06 min, 36 sec.
  9. Reina Morales, Porsche 1500, 2hr, 08 min, 37 sec.
  10. Eduardo Muñoz, MG-TD, 2hr, 9 min, 25 sec

Cars placed 1 to 6 and 8 were the equivalent of modified American Stock Cars, with big in-line 6 cylinder and maybe flathead V8 engines (Ford)! Eduardo Muñoz and the MG-TD placed just 48 seconds behind the Porsche 1500 that arrived in 9 place.

This set of pictures courtesy of Eduardo Antonio Muñoz Pecchio of Venezuela.

Description of Pictures

  1. 7-sep-1952, from Los Proceres street race track, in Caracas, Venezuela. (My father won that race.)
  2. A newspaper clipping of the same race race.
  3. Another newspaper clippings of the same race.
  4. 12-Apr-1953, MG TD Los Proceres: In hot pursuit of the first place Porsche 1500, driven by Rezende Dos Santos.
  5. MG TD at Los Proceres pits. Before the race, my father working at the car. Please notice the dashboard details.
  6. MG TD at Los Proceres: Another photo before the race
  7. 08-Nov-1953: Tanaguarena street circuit in the Vargas State, near the La Guaira Seaport. My father won that race. This is a very nice picture, scanned at 300 Dpi, from a large size picture. The original is a little blurry.
  8. 10 place in general MG-TD , passing through one of the small towns in the Aragua State.
  9. Watch how close the crowds were !!

Miscellaneous Racing Pictures

Various pictures of MGTDs and MGTFs in racing events during the period.

Description and Credits of Pictures

  1. (Photo by John George Robitschakj, ran in "MotoRacing" Feb 5-12, 1960, contributed by Bill Watkins)
  2. 1951 TD, source Unknown
  3. 2nd Grand Prix for production cars on May 20 1951 in Francorchamps, at the borders of 'l Eau Rouge, Belgium. The car with number 39 was driven by Serge Oban who finished 5th. In 1953 this Serge was one of the founders of the MG Car Club Belgium. Source Unknown
  4. 1950 MG TD Von Neumann Special Roadster - 1951 Pebble Beach Road Races (Photo: Martine Inn)
  5. John Von Neumann in his supercharged MG Special (Photo: Qvale Collection)
  6. MGs Racing At Thompson 1 (Note Both Left And Right Hand Drive MGs) (Thompson Speedway Gallery)
  7. Bob Falcon, driving MG TD number 57, admires his handiwork at putting number 188 into the dirt during a mid 1950s Road Racing Register event at Willow Springs Raceway (mid 1950's), source Unknown
  8. Willow Springs Raceway, CA- Mid 1950's, source Unknown
  9. Elkhart Lake racing, Historic Race Circuits of Elkhart Lake
  10. Starter Al Torres waves off under 1500cc cars for practice - 1952. Photo: Nichols Collection/SFR Archive
  11. Under 1500cc. cars line up at the Stockton Airport in 1953. Photo: Nichols Collection
  12. Hildebrand's Nardi-Fiat (#197) tangles with Davis' #101 MGTD at Pebble Beach, 1953. Photo Erik Jensen
  13. #130 C.T. Special - Warren Gerdes, and unknown MG TD. Photo Erik Jensen
  14. Two MGs, driven by E. Forbes Robinson (32) and John von Newmann (11) from Pebble Beach, 1950. Robert T. Devlin
  15. Bill Long (MG TF #70) enroute to a 1st place in an SCCA race at Marlboro Raceway,
    Maryland, 1955. Photo: Fast Cars of California
  16. Here he is again-victory lap! The car is an MG TF 1250. Photo: Fast Cars of California
  17. A Siati and two MG's at the 1954 Minter Field Races. Photo Bob Winslow.
  18. Torrey Pines, 1959. Photo F Sheff
  19. Sports cars racing through turn one at Torrey Pines (photo credit: San Diego Union)
  20. Kinchelde MG and Chuck Hassan Bandini Siluro, Sebring 1952. Photo Ferrari Experts
  21. Ken Miles and his number 50 MGTF
  22. Goodward BARC in 1953
  23. Sacramento, CA - SCCA 1955
  24. Sacramento, CA - SCCA 1955
  25. Sacramento, CA - SCCA 1955
  26. Santa Rosa, CA - SCCA 1955
  27. Santa Rosa, CA - SCCA 1955
  28. Santa Rosa, CA - SCCA 1955

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