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Here are some original MGTD manuals and parts book covers. Select each image for a larger view.

Factory Manuals

Note: The colors on the covers of all these manuals should be the same but my scanner does not seem to be reproducing them accurately. In addition the sun and other environmental effects tend to remove the blue from the color leaving a greenish tinge to the manuals.


¹ Dave Golemon

² Barry Jay Schiff, RI

³ Jim Merz, USA

Lucas Manuals

Generator and Control Box Tests

This manual covers the Lucas control box and tests that can be performed with the generator.

Manual provided by Peter Hehir

3rd Party Manuals

These manuals were offered by third parties during the period of MGTD production.

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© 1999 - by Christopher C. Couper Page last updated on March 2, 2019