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What Year Is It?

Are you ready to take the challenge to see how well you know the changes that occurred to the MGTD over the years? This simple test will establish your expertise in this area. All the pictures are from the original MGTD Workshop Manual so they should be familiar to you. No cheating by opening up the manuals and looking for dates. When you are ready to play follow the instructions below.

Note: This challenge takes a few minutes to load so be patient.

  1. Click the red button next to each answer you think is most correct.
  2. If you do not know the answer, do not guess, since wrong answers are penalized double.
  3. If you check the wrong red button, simply click the correct one to change it.
  4. If you have checked a red button with a guess and wish to deselect all red buttons for that question, just click the lit red button.
  5. When finished, click the "Click When Finished Button" at the end of the test. Your score will appear below it, and all correct answers will be lit with a green button. Check over the "green lit" answers you didn't know to assist you in knowing what areas you still need to study.

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© 1999 - by Christopher C. Couper Page last updated on March 2, 2019