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The Original MG TD Midget

Myths, Tips and FAQs

The Myths, Tips and FAQs section is where I tell all the secrets of the TD that I know about. I start by dispelling as many myths of the MGTD that I can. Next I discuss common mistakes that restorers make in trying to create as an original MGTD as possible. I also include a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) department. In this section I have listed popular questions that I have received over the years about the MGTD. Lastly I share with you some of the tips and techniques that I have gathered from many sources over the years in restoring MGTDs. While generally non technical, you may find some of these points valuable to you in your restoration efforts.


In this section I attempt to dispel as many myths as I know about in regard to the MGTD. If you can think of any others, please let me know.

Common Mistakes and Misconceptions

There are many things that are done to MGTDs by their owners who would have not done so if they only knew a little more about what was done originally. Not to say that any of these items are wrong to do individually, but I just want to set the record straight for those that may not know and are interested.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains some common questions that I have received over the years about the MGTD that may not have been covered elsewhere in this site. As I receive questions that I think are generally appropriate I will post them here and/or enhance the content of a related page.

Tips and Techniques

These pages contain some tips and techniques that I have found useful over the years to help preserve and restore my MGTD. This is the closest this website will come to technical information.

Hood and Sidescreen Storage

From the workshop manual. How to stow the hood and sidescreens.

Restoration Tips

Generally this website is dedicated to the originality of the MGTD and does not cover how to's or techniques. However in some cases I feel the need to provide information in order to help preserve the originality of the car where it might seem easier just to replace an item with a less than original part. These pages contain such information.

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© 1999 - by Christopher C. Couper Page last modified: 2024/05/13