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Unrestored MGTF's

A collection of pictures of unrestored MGTF's.

Note: Obviously there have been some modifications to these cars since they were produced in the interest of keeping them running. You will notice for example that some of the flexible fuel and oil lines, battery, fan belts, spark plug wires, and radiator hoses were replaced. We will try to call out the exceptions in the photo credit area below.

Photo Credits

Note: ex means excluding below

  1. Matthew Magilton; ex: gearshift knob, kick panels, underdash missing
  2. Don Harmer; ex: battery, battery bracket, hose clamps
  3. Don Harmer; ex: battery, hose clamps
  4. Don Harmer; ex: battery, braided fuel line
  5. Don Harmer; ex: battery, hose clamps
  6. Matthew Magilton; showing the original wiring loom and how parts of the loom are covered in black plastic. NON original features in this photo inc': Coil, battery isolator switch, and a repainted engine. The plate on the tool box lid is the original dealers plate for P&R WILLIAMS of Sydney.
  7. Matthew Magilton; An Australian TF HDC26/6388 in unrestored condition showing the bisuit dash and original upholstery.
  8. Matthew Magilton; The factory carpet in TF HDC226/6388. Unlike LHD TF's, the floor was flat and featured this rubber heel mat.
  9. Unknown e-Bay
  10. Colin Stafford, USA; ex: fuel line
  11. Colin Stafford, USA
  12. Colin Stafford, USA
  13. Engine ID Plate
  14. Tan Dash supplied by Rod Brayshaw
  15. Matthew Magilton
  16. Matthew Magilton
  17. Frank Cronin
  18. Frank Cronin
  19. Frank Cronin
  20. JK Barter
  21. Frank Cronin
  22. James Barter
  23. Horns
  24. Matthew Magilton
  25. Door striker
  27. Gordon Lawson
  28. J K Barter, Maine, USA
  29. Frank Cronin - indicates Ferrodo DM7 style brake liners were to be used
  30. Frank Cronin - TF stencil on rear end. Few cars had this.
  31. Matthew Magilton
  32. TF Pedal Excluder
  33. Matthew Magilton
  34. Frank Cronin
  35. David Sander
  36. Matthew Magilton
  37. Matthew Magilton
  38. Frank Cronin
  39. Flashers
  40. Underdash

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