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The Original MG TD Midget


In the Gallery we have assembled a collection of pictures that you may find useful and entertaining. Some are of period cars, recent photos, unrestored MGTF's, MGTF toys and models.

Original Factory Photos

A selection of period factory sponsored photos.

Contemporary MGTF Photos

A selection of contemporay photos of the MGTF.

Unrestored MGTF's

A collection of pictures of unrestored MGTF's.

Unrestored TF6688

My name is Colin Stafford and I live in the state of Michigan, USA. While I am not a "self proclaimed TF expert" I can claim to have, according to a few guru"s, a very well preserved, low mileage original car. I feel that my car provides an excellent reference guide to the "original" TF. Other than tyres, battery , top and some hoses, all of the paint and parts are those put on either at Abingdon or by the German Nuffield dealer. I can attest to this fact in that I drove this car in 1956 and it is no different now than it was then.

Unrestored TF6793

TF6793 is a very original unrestored MGTF. It is an early TF1500 made in the week of January 9th of 1955 and sports disc wheels, which is unusual for a TF1500, due to it's early build date.

Unrestored TF7472

This car was for sale on ebay in 2011. It is a very original, unrestored car. Most of the car is still as original and is an excellant example of a MGTF survivor.

Unrestored TF8541

TF8541 is a MG Red TF 1500 with approximately 43,000 miles on the odometer at the time of this writing.

Restoration of TF5979

My name is Brian Smith and I live in British Columbia, Canada. I am restoring TF5979.

Restoration of TF8947

This is the 30th MGTF that has been restored by Rod Brayshaw of New Zealand at his shops. The car number is HDP46/TF8947. In this montage you can see how the body bucket has been disassembled down to it's wood frame and painstakingly rebuilt.

Unrestored TF9052

TF9052 is a MG Red TF 1500 with approximately 5700 miles on the odometer at the time of this writing. The 91 year old owner bought this car new from a car dealer in Long Island, NY in 1955. The car is rarely driven, but it is driveable.

Unrestored TF9097

TF9097 is a MG Brich Grey TF 1500 and was imported new into Melbourne, Australia by Lanes Motors. The car currently has 173k miles and is regularly driven.

Unrestored TF9432

TF9432 is a Ivory TF1500 with very few miles. While it has had many ownwers, each took very good care of the car and treated it gently.

The History of TF1414

TF1414 is owned and was restored by Frank Cronin. This is the history of his families ownership of his car.

MGTF Models and Toys

Models and toys of the MGTF, both past and present. Many of these are items that were offered for sale at on-line auctions.

Post, Trading and Greeting Cards

These pages contain thumbnails of post, trading and greeting cards with an MGTF theme.

MGTF Artwork

Special hand made items that sport the image of the MGTF.


A unique collection of things MGTF.

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