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The Original MG TD Midget


This section covers both current and period literature. In the book review section Chris post my reviews of MGT related books that he has in his collection. The magazine section contains the covers of MGTF related magazines, mostly period. In the sales brochure collectionChris has reproductions of some of the original sales literature. We have posted pictures of the original operation, workshop, and parts manuals in the Original Manuals page. In the Period Reports pages we have posted recreations of a series of period reports on the MGTF. We have provided some interesting advertisements to give you an idea what the period MGTF owner was offered. Finally we have posted some period photographs of the MGTF.

Book Reviews

These pages contain our reviews on MGTF related books that we have in our collections. This is a rather small list and is specific to books that deal with the MGTF. These reviews are our own personal observations and likes about these books as they pertain to information about the MGTF. If a publication is disliked by one of us, you may find it of great value. Also we do not attempt to evaluate these books on anything more than the information they provide specifically to an MGTF owner, especially in the interest of originality or restoration value.


Here are covers for some period MGTF related magazines. You can find much of the MGTF related contents in the Period Reports and Advertisements sections.

Original Sales Brochures

In these pages we reproduced a few of the MGTF related sales brochures that you would have found at the dealership.

Original Manuals

Here you will find a picture of the covers of the original owners and workshop manuals as well as a period parts book.

Period Reports

These reports were culled from magazines and reprints that were made available by dealers during the period of MGTF sales. We have converted these to HTML to save space and to enable you to use the information as appropriate. Sources are cited to honor the originator and so you can be on the lookout for any of these publications.


Straight out of period magazines, this section is chock full of advertisements for the MGTF.

Period Photographs

A sampling of factory photographs and other period pictures.

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