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Brooklands MG Era Day
2 April 2017

by Richard Knight

brooklands17-01I had been looking forwards to the first proper UK Y type gathering of 2017 organised by the MGCC South East Center. Being the 70th Anniversary of the Y type, I decided that be nice to go back to Brooklands again, I had not been for few years and always found it one of the best MG events with lots to see and do in addition to the good turn out of MG's consisting of all the models.


At 0720 hrs, my uncle and I set off from home, and took route via A31 Winchester, Alton, Guildford onto Brooklands.


We arrived just about on time at 0900 hrs and I saw a good gathering of Y's all lined up waiting to enter the main Campbell gate, after a slight wait and with the arrival of more Y's it was then time to drive to the gate to show our pre-ordered tickets and then into the grounds of Brooklands and down the drive way to the designated area for where the Y's were to park up for the day.


brooklands17-02brooklands17-03First action of the day was to find the toilets and then onto the cafe, where after eventually working out how to sort out making a hot chocolate (sir the chocolate is in the satchet) not automatic vending machine that was for the Americano's and latte's etc, I then went over to get a bacon butty, only for the power go down. The staff then had to abort serving as the tills were down and they were unable to sell me the bacon rolls, the joys of electronic tills and not having cash. The restaurant manager agreed I could keep the already poured coffee and chocolate on the house and I quote told me to keep quiet or there would be "riot" With that I walked back to look at the Y's, where I stayed until I left around 1500 hrs.


brooklands17-04brooklands17-05It was nice to see some new Y's and the many familiar Y's I've seen before that are still going as strong as ever. In total there were 23 Ys: 4 YTs, 14 YBs and 5 YAs.

Until next time.

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Photographs courtesy of Brooklands Trust Members Facebook page.
Photographs courtesy of Brooklands Museum Facebook page.

HappY Motoring.