Gladesville MGCC Display and Concours Day
Sunday, October 21st, 2012
By Andrew Sorouni
Sunday, October 21st, 2012 dawned sunny, and reached a maximum temperature of 28 deg C, so I headed off to the Display and Concours Day at Gladesville Reserve, Victoria Rd, Gladesville, hosted by the Sydney MG Car Club. Entrants had to pay $10/car, but it is free for the viewing public. While I enjoyed the last show very much, this show turned out to be even better — a lot of cars. Among all the magnificent MGs were five beautiful Y types. An MG VA in black also came and parked alongside the Y types. She was elegant. One bright lady in red, an MGM, also showed up. There were TCs, TDs, TFs, Magnettes, As, Bs, Cs, RV8s, Midgets, Metros, one 1300, with parts "on display" as well as "for sale": you name it, anything to do with MGs, it was happening. The entire field was full of colourful MG cars and MG people. There was something for everyone.
There is not always a big rollout of Ys, usually 2 or 3, but this year, 5 turned up to show off their minority. Out of the five, three were YTs. I liked them all, but the one that really caught my eye was the dark maroon coloured one. Why you ask? I had not seen a Y in that colour before, and the colour brought out its character. There was a similar colour in an MGA at the show, too. They were all pristine capable show winners so I was glad I was not responsible for judging them. I would be happy to have them all parked in my garage though.
With sun in the morning next year I will be back. I encourage anyone with an interest in MGs to get out to Gladesville and check out the mouth watering display for themselves in 2013.