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The M.G. Car Club 'Y' Register
Spring Run 2004 - Sunday 18 April 2004

by Andrew Adamson.
Photographs by Andrew Adamson and Ted Gardner



After attending the past few Spring Runs as an envious spectator, I couldn't help noticing how Jerry always managed to arrange not only a fantastic location, but lovely sunny weather.  It was with such thoughts in mind that I eagerly posted off my entry form for the Spring Run 2004 at Rousham House.  Undeterred by a far-from-promising forecast, and the absence of my "co-driver" I merrily packed as many odds and ends into the boot as would fit and set off on my way.  Not having taken my YA on the motorway before I was pleasantly surprised to find that it would happily cruise at 50 mph, occasionally reaching the dizzy heights of 60mph!  I suspect I was being a little over-cautious, especially when I was passed by fellow Yorkshireman Andrew Coulson in his green YA.  The journey passed without incident and I eventually reached the Cotswolds by late afternoon.  Whilst looking for accommodation I was greeted by Mike Silk who had travelled down with his family from my home town of Wakefield.  Mike's freshly restored YT looked immaculate with its pristine cream paintwork. I found a nice B & B in the lovely village of Woodstock and the proprietors were kind enough to let me park the YA securely in their yard, rather than on the road outside.  So far the weather had remained dry, if not exactly cloudless.  However, heavy rain overnight had caused a large puddle to form in the driver's footwell, apparently a common feature of Y Types left in the rain.  The rain also caused slight starting problems, but I was eventually on my way after collecting some sandwiches from the local store.  Unfortunately I headed off in the wrong direction and decided to take a "short cut" rather than turn back. I finally arrived at Rousham, with just a few minutes to chat to fellow owners, take a few photographs and affix the rally board.


As a first time entrant on the Spring Run, I found it quite exciting as we were all waved off from the start point and I decided to keep within view of the cars in front, since I had no navigator aboard.  On the quiet country lanes this worked reasonably well, until the lead car missed a junction and we all had to do a U turn.  Luckily the other motorists didn't seem to mind the road block of assorted Y Types.  By this time, the rain had started and everybody was finding out that Y Type wipers are more for decoration than anything else.  I tried turning mine off every now and then, and could see just as well (or as badly) without them.  It was at this point that Paul's potato tip came back to me.  If only I'd had one with me!  It readily became apparent that the rain had no intention of easing off, yet the cars all seemed to take it in their stride and the drivers remained undeterred.  Various lunch stops were chosen, for owners to escape the weather and exchange stories of rain-soaked trouser legs.


Arriving back at Rousham House early, I found that many owners had completed the journey without any breaks. With the rain still falling I decided to head back up to Yorkshire without waiting for the presentations.  The awful conditions necessitated a slightly slower pace, with the highlight of the journey being the passing of Andrew and Arlene Coulson on their way home to Ripon. Rather strangely, it stopped rained as I crossed the boundary into Yorkshire.  Maybe we should hold the next Spring Run here


Finally, I think Jerry should be applauded for all the hard work that he put into organising this event and for making it a truly memorable day despite the bad weather.  Here's to the Spring Run 2005.

The Ys line up at Rousham House for the Spring Run 2004

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Until next year ...
(Ted Gardner)

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