H G Cox letter 27 August 1947
(99kb) A letter to Sir Miles Thomas detailing sales early orders for the MG Y.
MG YT Factory Production Records ~ recreated (1.8mb)A PDF file by David Pelham (updated 10 October 2018).
The Complete Manchester XPAG Files by Paul Ireland
Classic Engines, Modern Oil
by Paul Ireland
Register your MG Y Type with us Register on line or download a form to email or fax your registration to us
Fractions to Decimals to Millimetres A table to convert fractions of an inch into decimals and millimeters
UK Licence plates
A document reproduced here by kind permission of the Chiltern Vehicle Preservation Group
Parts Cross Reference pages Look up modern supplier part numbers for your MG Y Type Parts needs
MG Service Department Service Sheet Amendments
The XPAG Cooling System by Gene Gillam
The Alternate Parts List by John Lawson. This is a very useful cross reference on many Y/YT and YB parts and lists other cars that had the same parts.
Guide for Users of Historic Vehicles
Safety Fast Newsletters
A full back catalogue of Newsletters scanned from Safety Fast, from the first in 1992, to date.
The MG Y Type Buyer's Guide
A miscellany of resources and articles to help you decide on how to buy and what to look for.
 MG Y Type Screensaver
(2.7 MB).
 MG YT Screensaver
 Let there be Ys Screensaver
5 Speed YB Conversion
(241kb) A PDF by Tony Vernall.
MG Engine History A PDF file by Neil Cairns - Version 9.0. (1.3mb)
MG Y Ledgers (310kb) A PDF file with an introduction by Neil Cairns of guarantee plates, chassis numbers and engine numbers, where this information is known.
Post War M.G. Saloon cars 1947 - 1999
(4.5mb including colour pictures) by Neil Cairns.

Radiator cap mascots and Hood Ornaments
How different people decorate the front of their car. As always, consult your local laws governing where you live please.
Luggage straps for the MG Y
Details on the luggage straps that were available as a period optional extra.
Stories from the Rear view mirror
Historical research on individual cars by their owners.
Models of the MG Y Type
Details of models of the MG Y Type.
Historical Timeline of Y history events and contemporary world news.
Sister Cars to the MG Y Type by Neil Cairns
The MG Y Type Tool Kit by Jeremy Havard.
Terry Ciantar's original tool kit Photographs by Terry Ciantar.
Service tools for use in the MG Series Y

29 March 2008
Please accept my apologies for not having posted the mid-month Reprinted Article earlier in the month, but it is now available. This article is a reproduction of an original technical article on the Jackall system from 1952! Webmaster
25 March 2008
It is with the deepest personal regret that I am today posting a note concerning Harry Crutchley. Harry was a personal friend of many years standing and along with many other MG owners were saddened by the his sudden and unexpected passing away as announced on the Bulletin Board Service earlier this month by Jerry Birkbeck. Below is the very fitting personal tribute to Harry that was circulated with this month's Bulletin magazine. HARRY CRUTCHLEY1941 -2008 It is with deep regret that we inform you that the founder of the MG Octagon Car Club, Harry Crutchley passed away on Tues 11th March.
Harry, together with his wife Jill, founded the Octagon Car Club (as it was then known), in 1969 from their house in Stafford. Originally combining his work for the new club with his day job as a postman, Harry worked tirelessly to build the foundations of what was to become the MG Octagon Car Club that we know today. Harry had an enormous talent and boundless enthusiasm for organisation, and from humble beginnings encouraged the Club to grow to the 2,500 members it has today. Today's membership encompasses all walks of life from all positions in society, from countries across the globe, too many to mention here. To keep the burgeoning membership informed of all things MG, Harry with Jill as Editor, began a small publication with information on meetings, natters and cars for sale, which of course became The sBulletin. Some years ago in The Bulletin a member recalled that in the early 70's he came across two young MG enthusiasts handing out leaflets for a new club for pre 1956 MG's at Oulton Park. These two people were Harry and Jill getting the Octagon Car Club off the ground. Harry's unparalleled knowledge of the workings of MGs quickly led him to source and supply quality spare parts to members. A member ringing Harry at the office would be reassured that the request for an obscure part would be immediately understood, the part sourced and delivered before too long. This parts service, along with the Bulletin, is the heart and soul of the service that the club now provides to members. Harry's talent for promotion was best seen at shows where he enthusiastically gathered members. He insisted that shows were the key to meeting, greeting and encouraging soon-to-be members to join up. He wasn't wrong. Those members that met Harry at shows can testify to his comprehensive knowledge of MGs and willingness to answer questions. He loved the shows and relished the opportunity of meeting members both new and old of course he was always on the look out for the next convert! One of the projects he was working on was to take the MG Octagon Car Club into shows around Europe. That certainly would have been worth seeing! As usual, in spite of ill health Harry managed to attend the MG Show & Spares Day at Stoneleigh on February 23rd. Those who were there will recall his delight in meeting members and how he offered his advice on running the stand the Harry way! Harry is survived by his wife (and President of the MG Octagon Car Club) Jill, his sons Toby & Josef, grandchildren Phoebe (6) and Felix (3), all whom are members of the club. We are sure that members from all over the world will send their condolences and deepest sympathy to Jill and family. There will be a private family funeral followed by a memorial service to celebrate Harry at a later date. Details will be published in the next Bulletin. Any other enquiries, please contact
the office on the usual number. Webmaster
20 March 2008
Johnston Lock (a TD owner) contacted us recently concerning more information on the YT of S. J. Pereleman (featured in Interesting Ys). From this we have been able to update the entry there. Thank you Johnston. We wonder where the car is now? Webmaster
17 March 2008
A photograph has been added to the Collectibles page of YB 1551 - the last ever MG YB. We are looking for information on this car and anyone with details can contact the Webmaster here, and all leads will be passed on to our search team! Webmaster
10 March 2008
John Ellis (Y 3844)brought to my attention two sites on Flickr.com featuring MG Ys - one is a rather fetching black and white photograph of an MG Y outside the former Great Central Railway station in Leicester, UK and the other a compilation of photographs by Andrew Adamson and others. These have been added to the Links page with a couple of other Flickr searches that I came up with. Webmaster
8 March 2008
Gilles Bachand revitalises his Semaphore arms after at least 12 years of non-use. He was so thrilled, he posted on YouTube! A link has been added to the Links page and the original short video has been captured to Ys on Film page. Webmaster
7 March 2008
Please welcome David Busby with Y 6824 to Ys on Parade. David's car is already well known having been owned formerly by Paul Rundell who was Chairperson of the Register for many years. Webmaster
4 March 2008
Murray Grainger has updated the test to his entry on Ys on Parade and a link has been added to the Links page to the blog he run's for Clara, his Y 5100 too. Scroll down to find the first item: this is a great blog! And if you have been wondering what our North East (UK) Area Representative looks like, we have added him to the hall of fame (at last) on the Contact Us page too. Webmaster
2 March 2008
Not sure how this one escaped my attention until now, but recognition of Rob and Janet Roberson's slide show is long over due. A link has been added to the Links page though now to remedy this oversight! Scroll down to find the second item. Webmaster
1 March 2008
February may have been quiet with news announcements, however we are having very encouraging contact with the owners of the Cuban YA, and also now a new owner has been in touch with us from Hong Kong, which with the new Chinese connection is especially interesting. We look forward to being able to welcome both of these new owners soon to Ys on Parade. Notwithstanding, we had the busiest month for visitors ever with an average of 99 a day! The Picture of the Month for March comes from South Africa, and the Reprinted Article for the start of the month is the second of the two articles from Light Car Magazine, from June 1947. Webmaster
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