H G Cox letter 27 August 1947
(99kb) A letter to Sir Miles Thomas detailing sales early orders for the MG Y.
MG YT Factory Production Records ~ recreated (1.8mb)A PDF file by David Pelham (updated 10 October 2018).
The Complete Manchester XPAG Files by Paul Ireland
Classic Engines, Modern Oil
by Paul Ireland
Register your MG Y Type with us Register on line or download a form to email or fax your registration to us
Fractions to Decimals to Millimetres A table to convert fractions of an inch into decimals and millimeters
UK Licence plates
A document reproduced here by kind permission of the Chiltern Vehicle Preservation Group
Parts Cross Reference pages Look up modern supplier part numbers for your MG Y Type Parts needs
MG Service Department Service Sheet Amendments
The XPAG Cooling System by Gene Gillam
The Alternate Parts List by John Lawson. This is a very useful cross reference on many Y/YT and YB parts and lists other cars that had the same parts.
Guide for Users of Historic Vehicles
Safety Fast Newsletters
A full back catalogue of Newsletters scanned from Safety Fast, from the first in 1992, to date.
The MG Y Type Buyer's Guide
A miscellany of resources and articles to help you decide on how to buy and what to look for.
 MG Y Type Screensaver
(2.7 MB).
 MG YT Screensaver
 Let there be Ys Screensaver
5 Speed YB Conversion
(241kb) A PDF by Tony Vernall.
MG Engine History A PDF file by Neil Cairns - Version 9.0. (1.3mb)
MG Y Ledgers (310kb) A PDF file with an introduction by Neil Cairns of guarantee plates, chassis numbers and engine numbers, where this information is known.
Post War M.G. Saloon cars 1947 - 1999
(4.5mb including colour pictures) by Neil Cairns.

Radiator cap mascots and Hood Ornaments
How different people decorate the front of their car. As always, consult your local laws governing where you live please.
Luggage straps for the MG Y
Details on the luggage straps that were available as a period optional extra.
Stories from the Rear view mirror
Historical research on individual cars by their owners.
Models of the MG Y Type
Details of models of the MG Y Type.
Historical Timeline of Y history events and contemporary world news.
Sister Cars to the MG Y Type by Neil Cairns
The MG Y Type Tool Kit by Jeremy Havard.
Terry Ciantar's original tool kit Photographs by Terry Ciantar.
Service tools for use in the MG Series Y

21 December 2009
A new link has been added for Michael Peters trading as Surplus Supplies. Mike can supply all the "old" thread nuts and bolts etc. such as BSW, BSF, BSP etc. New
part drawings of the boot liner cards have also been added to the site. We hope you like the new image opening script as this will be deployed throughout the site over the coming months too. Webmaster
16 December 2009
The second Annual Christmas Luncheon Meeting of the "MG Y-Type OWNING, TINKERING, RACING, DISCUSSING & EXPLORING SOCIETY has been announced and added to the Events page for the benefit of Y owners in or visiting Queensland, Australia! This auspicious event will take place this coming Monday, 21 December 2009. Scroll down the page to this event. The MG Car Club Y Type Register newsletter for December 2009 has also been added to their Newsletter page Webmaster
15 December 2009
TC owner Terry Saunders has advised us that he can now provide LED rear D lamp conversion kits to fit MG Y Types, irrespective of whether you have positive earth or negative earth systems. A link has been added to the Links Page under Suppliers then Electrical / Instruments / Wiring. The mid-month Reprinted Article has also been added with a translation of the article from La Presse. Webmaster
9 December 2009
Today, please welcome Robin Lowery, the new owner of Y 6623 to Ys on Parade. Also, after an absence of 11 years of Y ownership (though never far away from Ys), please welcome back Jerry Birkbeck and his new YT, YT 4372, to Ys on Parade too. Webmaster
8 December 2009
Tony Slattery has sent in another great picture from the recent wedding
of his daughter Erin to Sean Gregory ... of course with Y Types in it too! Webmaster
7 December 2009
Another Snippet has been added - an interesting modification to the gracious lines of the YA that will not be to everyone's taste for sure! Webmaster
5 December 2009
Two new Snippets have been added today, and also to keep you busy during the upcoming holidays, a new puzzle - an aMazinGY! Webmaster
3 December 2009
Today, I have great pleasure in bringing to you the 444th entry on Ys on Parade, so a big welcome please for a "Little Gem" of a Y Type - YB 1170, now owned by no lesser group of people than the MG Car Club! Webmaster
1 December 2009
Only fourteen days left to get your order in to Mike and Sue Silk in time for delivery before the VAT increase goes into effect for all EU customers now! Hurry. December's Picture of the Month comes from Willem van der Veer and explains how to influence judges! The Reprinted Article continues with another French Canadian article from January 2008, and a new Snippet has been added from the December 1988 Sacred Octagon of a picture of Jean Kimber Cook (Cecil Kimber's daughter) and a YT! Webmaster
Archive of previous News pages
Click on the hyperlinks below to see complete archive pages of the news from a previous month.