H G Cox letter 27 August 1947
(99kb) A letter to Sir Miles Thomas detailing sales early orders for the MG Y.
MG YT Factory Production Records ~ recreated (1.8mb)A PDF file by David Pelham (updated 10 October 2018).
The Complete Manchester XPAG Files by Paul Ireland
Classic Engines, Modern Oil
by Paul Ireland
Register your MG Y Type with us Register on line or download a form to email or fax your registration to us
Fractions to Decimals to Millimetres A table to convert fractions of an inch into decimals and millimeters
UK Licence plates
A document reproduced here by kind permission of the Chiltern Vehicle Preservation Group
Parts Cross Reference pages Look up modern supplier part numbers for your MG Y Type Parts needs
MG Service Department Service Sheet Amendments
The XPAG Cooling System by Gene Gillam
The Alternate Parts List by John Lawson. This is a very useful cross reference on many Y/YT and YB parts and lists other cars that had the same parts.
Guide for Users of Historic Vehicles
Safety Fast Newsletters
A full back catalogue of Newsletters scanned from Safety Fast, from the first in 1992, to date.
The MG Y Type Buyer's Guide
A miscellany of resources and articles to help you decide on how to buy and what to look for.
 MG Y Type Screensaver
(2.7 MB).
 MG YT Screensaver
 Let there be Ys Screensaver
5 Speed YB Conversion
(241kb) A PDF by Tony Vernall.
MG Engine History A PDF file by Neil Cairns - Version 9.0. (1.3mb)
MG Y Ledgers (310kb) A PDF file with an introduction by Neil Cairns of guarantee plates, chassis numbers and engine numbers, where this information is known.
Post War M.G. Saloon cars 1947 - 1999
(4.5mb including colour pictures) by Neil Cairns.

Radiator cap mascots and Hood Ornaments
How different people decorate the front of their car. As always, consult your local laws governing where you live please.
Luggage straps for the MG Y
Details on the luggage straps that were available as a period optional extra.
Stories from the Rear view mirror
Historical research on individual cars by their owners.
Models of the MG Y Type
Details of models of the MG Y Type.
Historical Timeline of Y history events and contemporary world news.
Sister Cars to the MG Y Type by Neil Cairns
The MG Y Type Tool Kit by Jeremy Havard.
Terry Ciantar's original tool kit Photographs by Terry Ciantar.
Service tools for use in the MG Series Y

26 June 2002
Another new Hint and Tip today for you this time from fellow Australian Richard Prior in Australia on debugging the front grill. Also, please welcome the 58th entry to Ys on Parade from Darryl Robins with Y 2007. Webmaster
25 June 2002
A new Hint and Tip today for you - from Alf Luckman in Australia on Fitting Seat Belts. Webmaster
24 June 2002
Today we are pleased to welcome Richard Prior and YT 3208 as the 57th entry to Ys on Parade. Richard's car is powered by an MGB engine and he has sent in comprehensive notes and pictures on his restoration. Webmaster
23 June 2002
No new cars on Parade today, but I have updated the links for the Upholstery item on Hints and Tips and moved it to the top (so it is easy to find). These are two very interesting articles on the Woolies site and can be printed off for reference. Webmaster
20 June 2002
Today, please welcome Bert Keuren with Y 5099, and Philip Waltham with YB 0559 as the 55th and 56th entries to Ys on Parade. Bert has recently converted his RHD Y over to LHD and has also enclosed a picture of his converted dash from the link in his entry. EnjoY. Webmaster
18 June 2002
A hearty welcome to Peter Vielvoye with YT 2731 as the 54th entry to Ys on Parade. I have also fixed the link on Keith Herkes entry for his picture of the car as acquired, in case you tried it and it failed. I knew I'd miss one link! EnjoY. Webmaster
17 June 2002
Apologies for the break in service, I am now back and have looked though all my emails from everyone. Thank you to everybody who sent in submissions while I was away, we are now over the 50 mark with 53 Ys on Parade. I think I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, that this makes this the biggest (virtual) gathering of Ys known! Thank you to everyone who has taken part. In reference to a recent guestbook entry, our target - well "sky is the limit" as they say now! With this update, we are pleased to welcome, Bill Bennett Y 2366, Karl-Heinz BorchesYT 2778, Ivan Petrie YT 4060, Steve Brompton YT 4825, Paul Thakrah Y 5837, David Mitchell-Gogay Y 7012, Keith Herkes with YB 0321, Kevin Poole with YB 0942 and Dennis Doubtfire with YB 1177. Now I only hope all the links work! Also, we have a new Hint and Tip from David Mitchell-Gogay on making your Y heater more efficient - thank you David. Webmaster
4 June 2002
Today, please welcome Richard Emery with YT 3286, the 44th Ys on Parade. It is well worth following the link to the "before" restoration, before you open the full sized picture of Richard's YT! Webmaster
3 June 2002
Please welcome Mike Wright with Y 0368 (the oldest Y on Parade - but then I said that last month, so I will add - so far to that!), Peter Insley with Y 3832 and to Peter Fogarty with Y 4543 as the 41st, 42nd and 43rd Ys on Parade. Please keep them coming! I must have lost count somewhere before now - it is easy to do. We have a new Hint on Hints and Tips, from Peter Cornelius in New Zealand. Although this has recently featured in Safety Fast, we have asked him to submit it so that it can be available to all Y owners. Chelsea Frictions have advised us of a new website link that has been incorporated to their entry on the Links page. However, the site us currently under development. We have also listed an email link to Chelsea Frictions which we know is working if you need to get in touch with them. The site is proving immensely useful in what it is bringing to light. Here are a couple of the more amazing stories! We received an email on 1 June 2002, from the Grandson of Edward Duteson after he saw his Grandfather's Y in "Ys on Parade". He was asking if Kathy Inman (current owner) of Park City UTAH USA would like to contact him so he could provide her with some history and back ground on the car! Also, when Allen and Florrie Bachelder posted details of their YT 4127 on the Website they were totally unaware that their car was one of three missing from the (reproduced) YT production list. The list showed a run of 14 YTs from YT 4113 through to YT 4126, this was followed by a gap of two cars with a single car listed as YT4129. David Lawrence (author of Let There be Y's) spotted the significance of the Bachelder's car when he was browsing the website in South Africa. We have since concluded that chassis number 4128 would also have been a YT as this would have been in line with the production of YTs in batches i.e. the batch ran from YT 4113 through YT 4129 making 17 cars in total. The production list now accounts for 876 of the reputed 877 YTs manufactured. We still have one missing but have now accounted for two more, thanks to Allen posting his car on the Website. Thanks Allen! We are very pleased that you are clearly finding the site both interesting, and indeed useful. What will come up next we wonder? Webmaster
1 June 2002
Thank you to all those who sent in pictures for Ys on Parade during May. If you would like to send a picture for either Ys on Parade, or the Picture of the Month, but do not have access to a scanner, please send an email to the webmaster (link above). I will then send you back my "snail" mail address. Please remember to send an stamped addressed envelope with your photograph/s if you would like it/them returned to you, together with not more than 100 words to go with the picture and include the chassis number and Date of First Registration if known. Today we welcome Jerry Filson with Y 5542 and Peter Remo with YB 0561. We are still wanting to achieve the "magic 50 Ys on Parade" before the 14 June, and to this end we are pleased to welcome two new additions to the Parade bringing the total so far to 39 Ys. There is
still time to send in your photograph and comments so please send them in! Having looked at the individual page hits, it is clear that the most popular single page is "Ys on Parade" with a total of 1,372 hits to 27 May 2002! We still need pictures for Picture of the Month feature too! At the end of the day, this is your website, so send in your stuff. After August, I may run out! For those of you with a technical bent for computer things, this site is best viewed in 1024 X 768 mode in case you are having to scroll about a bit. If you wish to change your
screen configuration, please seek the help of a qualified computer technician before attempting to change it if you are in the least bit unsure of what you are doing or if your system is capable of displaying in this higher resolution mode. Webmaster
Archive of previous News pages
Click on the hyperlinks below to see complete archive pages of the news from a previous month.